Hey, beautiful women. It's March 2020 as I write this. I'm stuck indoors right now, and I'm guessing a lot of you are as well. Are you feeling nervous these days? I sure am! I am really appreciating activities that take my mind off of the scary stuff going on in the world right now. I thought it would be nice to give you a chance to get the Style ID Calculator for a reduced price. If you're stuck inside your house, this is a great time to finally figure out your style type. And if you're worried about your finances right now, $9.99 hopefully won't break your bank.
This sale will eventually end. But the Style ID Calculator also comes with a discount code that never expires. Once you discover your style type, and you're feeling a little bit more confident about the future, use it to buy products for your style type. :-) I'm scared too. But we;re going to get through this. <3 <3 <3
3/25/2020 01:25:37 am
Will you do a blog post on work clothes? Having RE, it’s really difficult even with the guides to know what to wear.
4/15/2020 04:16:54 am
Seconded! I'm Ethereal Natural Ingenue, which is awesome, but I'm not sure how to translate that into business casual/otherwise appropriate for a relaxed office looks...
7/5/2020 02:19:13 pm
I have almost the reverse question - I'm a dramatic classic but with a super-casual lifestyle - I bought the visual style and shopping guidelines but hard to know how to translate dc into jeans and t-shirt every day :) Would be awesome for a resource or blog post showing the style of clothing that's not the natural fit of a type ... or if anyone has tips, please share :) H.
9/22/2020 05:13:07 pm
Ordered products from you which I didn’t receive. Sent an email asking when I would receive them, no reply. Sent another email the following day asking again. Almost a day later you send me an email with a screenshot of YOUR PayPal email which shows the links of the items I bought. You tell me I received the downloads when I hadn’t. I’ve sent a third email saying I haven’t received them, no reply. I understand digital products can have issues but to not resolve them the first time your customer notifies you of it, or even the second is not good enough.
3/28/2020 12:04:43 pm
I'm looking for a style type that wears just nice clothes. So far there isn't a style type that does. It's not your fault: every catalogue I've received over the past few years gives me the choice of tacky, slutty, cheap, dumpy, clownish, and a few other undesirable choices. So far I'm just making do with my old stuff. There is no point at the moment to know my style, since I won't buy any of it. Sorry.
4/2/2020 11:09:34 am
The stuff going on around the world now is indeed scary, and most of the world is stuck indoors, more or less... So thank you for your encouraging words, Rachel!
4/3/2020 09:35:53 pm
Can someone help me ID the essences in this jewelry (in the peacock blue shade)? I’m not a very stylish person but this is the one stylish item that feels like an extension of me when I’m wearing it (rather than feeling like I am just wearing something trendy). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D7941FV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_u79HEbX76AQ09
4/4/2020 12:39:02 pm
I see Gamine and Romantic in these earrings. Gamine because of their playful, swingy quality, and Romantic due to the rich, jewel-like color, with its sensual, subtle sheen. Overall, I feel these earrings look both glamorous and playful.
4/4/2020 08:28:36 am
If I have Microsoft Excel on my Mac with the style guide work? The breakdown says it uses excel, which I have but will not work on Mac (which is strange because I've never had any issues opening excel docs). But I don't want to spend the $ and not be able to use the tool.
4/5/2020 02:44:40 am
I have a Mac and use Microsoft Excel on it and the calculator works. Think it should work for you!
4/7/2020 03:12:54 am
Does anyone know how to get the color analysis by her? I’m stuck between soft summer and cool summer and I wanted to order the swatches but it won’t let me
5/26/2020 07:15:12 pm
The color palettes are not available right now. I emailed and I understand they are not available at this time but may be coming back.
7/23/2020 05:46:23 pm
Do the online quiz, here on the website, under color analysis, then what color are you? It is almost foolproof, worked for me and got the same result as a professional draping, as did friends who tried it. It has been very carefully worked out, so is much more accurate than the usual quick approach online color quiz.
5/13/2020 05:59:34 pm
Rachel, can you show us some examples of heavily Natural celebs looking great in formalwear appropriate for Naturals? Perhaps “best dressed” Naturals on the red carpet or high fashion runway? Informality seems to be at the root of Natural, so I’m not really sure how that works.. I am an RNG and hate that I can only lean into the RG in order to look well dressed for less casual events. I still want to feel like myself & represent/honor ALL my essences during important social events!
5/14/2020 03:03:12 am
Hi T, I'm not Rachel, but she doesn't answer.
5/15/2020 02:56:39 pm
Hi, G! Thanks for your response! The image you linked was very helpful as I just saw Halle Berry in a similar dress which I liked a lot & re-inspired me to stay true to my ID. I haven’t been doing a lot of clothing shopping since quarantine but the few items I have bought are online local shops. Thanks again- I’m starting to get a better feel of how to style RNG across different events!
5/14/2020 03:37:54 am
Hi T,
5/15/2020 03:11:05 pm
Hi, D! Thank you sooo much! I work great with word clouds and you descriptors were super helpful. Your suggestion of strapless dresses was especially helpful since I do prefer a minimalist style in general, yet that’s still nice enough for events. Wrap/drape dresses, as you mentioned, are a great (and versatile) idea as well! I’m realizing it’s important to know your season colors + contrast in addition to your Style ID options (and body shape) in order to really look your best. Your insights have really helped me rethink how I build outfits!
5/16/2020 03:24:41 am
T, It is important to know which colors look good on you and what your contrast is. To know your body proportions is also important .
5/15/2020 12:03:26 pm
Isn't it common courtesy to say thank you when someone gives you good advice? I've noticed that many here don't do that. Why ask for advice if you are going to ignore it?
5/15/2020 03:29:19 pm
Hello, Lina. I posted my original comment less than 48 hours ago. Didn’t know we were being timed on how fast we can respond- not that I owe any explanation to you of my personal daily work schedule. Furthermore, neither of the women who replied to my message hit the “reply” button to my comment (they posted individual standalone comments), so I did not get any email notification that people were responding to my comment. It was by chance during my lunch break that I remembered I had posted, then I came back to the website to check in. So I wasn’t “ignoring” them as you say- I literally hadn’t seen their comments yet in order to respond. I understand that this quarantine & Corona Virus pandemic in general has people stressed out & on edge (although that doesn’t excuse rude behavior). But instead I’m just going to offer you grace and advice: maybe you should pause, take a step back to observe, & truly think for a second before you comment. Next time you comment rudely, you might not get a response as nice as mine.😉
5/16/2020 02:12:01 am
T, sorry if I offended you. I did not know that you didn't saw your answers. My comment was not personally for you, it was to all of them who don't bother to thank those who help them. It takes time, energy and interest to give good advice. I think people really should appriciate that.
5/25/2020 03:41:00 am
Lina, I honestly don't think I have seen anyone here wilfully ignoring advice given to them and not bothering to thank... So not sure who are you referring to. :( And basically agree with T.
5/16/2020 01:48:15 pm
Hi, I might have figured out I am mainly EDI, and I can imagine the most amazing looks on me.
7/20/2020 12:41:32 pm
I’m an EDG and I have a similar issue. There’s almost nothing on the Pinterest board I’d wear day to day. The style guide is a bit more realistic for my life, but I live in the very casual and very rainy PNW and I always wear walkable clothes. I need stuff that’s comfortable.
5/16/2020 05:11:58 pm
Are you OK, Rachel?
5/17/2020 01:56:22 pm
She's been mysteriously quiet indeed
5/18/2020 01:48:33 am
Rachel doesn't read your comments. She hasn't been for years. IShe is not answering them anyway. It's a good thing we have other talented women that can answer our questions.
5/18/2020 02:25:02 pm
@Loni I have been seeing that, and it's...sad. I find her system interesting from a 'finding your aesthetic' (or at least where to start; if I am EDI like I suspect I am I sometimes might still wanna wear something with 'romantic' or 'natural' elements and feel and look fricking great in it) standpoint, but I unfortunately only discovered it a few years ago - when this blog was already pretty ancient and I have rarely seen an actually newly made post (not 'originally posted in 2016'). I won't spend a big chunk of money on it though, especially if she abandons her blog like this. I would love it if she'd make some new content or answer some more relevant comments, but for whatever reason that doesn't happen anymore.
5/18/2020 09:35:54 am
So what's happened to Rachel? Why is she not concerned about people trying to buy her stuff who can't get the transaction to work? So who is paying to keep this site up? Rachel's assessment was excellent, but she was stuck with lousy choices of horrid clothing on the internet. Has anyone found nice wearable clothing anywhere?
5/19/2020 03:32:36 am
Agnes, what kind of clothes are you looking for?
5/19/2020 12:11:13 pm
First, I can't wear any of the plastics. I sweat and drip in them, which may be an allergy. I have never been able to wear acrylic, polyester, nylon, acetate, polypropylene, spandex, or rayon, and it is the same with the new plastics and plastic mixes.
5/19/2020 03:45:13 pm
Hi Agnes! Each type (in any system) has its own complimentary and derogatory connotations. Much like body shapes all have their best & worst approach to wearing certain fits (even “perfect” hourglasses have challenges). That’s just the world we live in (and let me tell you... Hollywood isn’t helping us out). Anyways, maybe take a look at Carol Tuttle’s Dressing Your Truth (DYT)? Though I do like this blog better, I find inspo from here & DYT and pull from the outfits that speak to me the most -from both websites- to create my own. (I believe each person know themselves best along with what makes them happiest to wear- it’s just a process of realization & embracing it). One of the best tips I learned about fashion is to find your favorite items in your closet that feel the most like “you” (even if it’s not something you love, it’s still the best in your closet & a step in the right direction compared the items you like less in your closet). These favorite items shouldn’t just be items you’ve been told you look great in but it should be something that YOU feel awesome in (because your the person who has to wear your wardrobe 😄). Then, only buy items of the same material, cut, details, or same style color scheme. By same colorscheme, I DON’T mean monochromatic or buy the exact same 1 color (ie, a closet full of light blue, medium blue, & dark blue shirts). What I mean is the COLOR of the NEXT clothing items you buy should look as if they were INSPIRED by the colors of the items you love in your closet right now. You have to be strict & committed about it, but if you don’t compromise the results are amazing! So if you have an “earth tone” mustard top that you love, you might be inclined to pick up a top in a copper or sienna color of a similar shade/depth. If you have a pair of periwinkle long pants you can pull off, maybe try dusty rose, pale pink, or powder pink pants in a similar cut or material. If you have studpost-dangle earrings in a sharp blue color that speaks to you, you might be intrigued by a pair studpost earrings in a bright glowing magenta, bold “vintage” rose pink, or crisp kelly green. Of course you can diversify your wardrobe over time, but this is a great starting point for building a no-fail wardrobe stemming from items you feel amazing in (or at least a wardrobe you prefer over other’s)! Yes, there is an element of “eyeing it” about fashion (especially building that style colorscheme), but most people even non-creative personalities have the general awareness & ability- and I’m confident you will too! Just takes a little time & practice. Come to think of it, DYT speaks a lot on how to identify style “colorscheme families” & how to identify elements in the same “style family” to bring back into your closet. Also, they empathize how style is multiple factors combined: color, texture, cut, weight/material, scale, print, etc. I really recommend taking a look at them; you can be a free member & learn so much! Another tip- shopping from that same brands of the items you like the MOST can start to bring about that style cohesiveness. In order for this to work, you have to very selective and pick only what you LOVE (otherwise there will be too many stray essences for you to create a cohesive style). Sometimes even Googling the general style & color of a shirt/pant you feel confident in will bring up current outfit inspiration that show new ways to style the item you already love! Often you’ll find that small elements such accessories, shoes, & even lipsticks can work as an extension of the style you enjoy too!
5/19/2020 03:52:53 pm
Cont’d... few options to work from until I researched & accepted my coloring and shape for what is. I used to call myself aloof or bad at style, but it turned out I was actually very aware of it... style, beauty, & physical appearance impacts every individual’s life across the globe (especially females). But I wasn’t misunderstanding style or beauty- I just wasn’t willing or prepared to accept mine. But once I did, I found inspiration for a ton more fit options & fashion ideas to play around with (finding representation through fashion bloggers & celebs of a similar color or shape also help get inspired). Now I take advantage of my unique coloring & shape (which I used to hate) as a way to find my niche in my style ID, differentiate myself, & make my style my own. Now that I am aware of the diversity of beauty other people have, I know how to appreciate my differences and I’m able to maximize my own look (instead of wishing I looked like others or their type of beauty). I’m not afraid to stand out because now I have the tools to take advantage of my differences to stand out in a good way. In the way that make people attracted to you because they see the confidence, self-awareness, & dignity I have developed over the course of my life. I have my good days & my bad days, just like anyone else, but I must admit that Style and Color analysis has changed my life for the better. Best wishes on your beauty journey, Agnes!!
5/19/2020 05:12:17 pm
Thanks, T, for your long, well thought out effort. I know my colors (light spring), my body type (inverted triangle), and my style (classic ethereal). Most of what's in my closet looks good on me, and I like all of it.
7/20/2020 12:45:48 pm
Have you tried Everlane or similar upscale eco friendly basics sites? They have more natural fibers (I also hate synthetics) and many of their items are classic.
7/25/2020 10:53:36 am
1/15/2021 06:27:00 pm
Hi Agnes. Have you considered getting clothes tailor-made? It is obviously much more expensive than ready-to-eear, but you can get exactly what you want. A dressmaker or tailor can make patterns from your existing garments.
5/19/2020 01:37:15 am
Reply to D. - thanks for the tip! My dominant is Gamine, then Romantic, then Natural (thought I’m realizing I don’t has as much Natural as I initially thought coming into this system). But TBH, that’s probably how I found my way to this blog- seems that alot of non-natural blends discover their style here. Realizing that I am warm toned & medium-high contrast (thanks to InsideOutStyle Blog) along with my body shape (long frail legs, soft arms, wider hips, plumper “assets”) has really helped me make my style my own. Finally coming into to my “signature” style in this decade of my life!
5/20/2020 02:17:52 am
Agnes, Ann Taylor has a lot of Classic clothes.
5/20/2020 06:21:58 pm
Thanks for your tip, D. I have several Ann Taylor pieces I really like.
7/8/2020 04:33:03 pm
Oh, my, D. Both Brooks Brothers and the owner of Ann Taylor just declared bankruptcy today. I hope I didn't do it. There go some formerly beautiful clothes!
5/20/2020 11:16:23 am
Hi, can you analyze Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray for her fans like me. Thanks.
5/23/2020 04:41:08 am
5/26/2020 07:21:18 pm
Hi Rachel!
6/23/2020 04:10:52 pm
For anyone still here, Rachel has posted recently on Facebook and Twitter. Links are on the top right of this page. So I guess she's OK.
6/23/2020 08:53:47 pm
Hello all! I am terrible at understanding style profiling but I know a good outfit for myself when I see it. This quarantine has really given me time to stop following trends & re-evaluate some things.
6/24/2020 04:10:48 am
Hello V,
6/24/2020 01:14:35 pm
Hi Ella,
6/24/2020 02:11:19 pm
Sorry, I kinda figured that I'd got it wrong after posting. The pin itself has a polished element (classic), the monochrome black may be dramatic, it's a little loosey goosey, so natural and the print on the pants adds a bit of gamine fun. So I guess what I said before still stands.
6/25/2020 06:30:09 pm
Thank you so muchhhhh! Your insights pointed me look all the NGCD combos. Which were great until I got to DC. I realized I have classic but not dramatic. After that, I could see much more clearly. NGC was great as is, but it still lacked a bit of femininity that I usually suit & have acquired the skill of combining over my lifetime. I landed on RNGC which it the perfect fit & I’m so excited to dive into this with knowledge of my ID now. I literally hated how people would comment on how “unique” & “well styled” yet simultaneously simplistic my style was... I just didn’t understand it or what they were seeing. Plus I didn’t nearly fit into kibbe and not at all DYT, but it make sense now why I was having trouble. But understanding this system and my ID is helping me understand my look & the message/vibe I should aim to get across. This system makes style so much easier to understand. Thanks again Ella!!!
6/30/2020 06:29:02 pm
Late to the party, but I also wouldn't rule out Ethereal for that outfit! It definitely has a casual and spunky feel, but I think the flowy top could bring in a smidge of feminine Ethereal-maybe Ethereal Natural Gamine.
6/30/2020 06:32:00 pm
Not sure if this will screen shot, but there's a bunch of outfits similar to the one you posted on the ENG board: 7/7/2020 05:49:35 am
Amazing! This style ID calculator is more realistic than other calculators out there! I'm Ethereal Gamine and I love how it turned out! This style ID is so flexible in all fashion wears, even in casual or formal!
7/24/2020 04:39:59 am
It does seem anyone who has any Gamine is lucky in fashion today, as nearly all fashion wear has some G elements, most of them lots ;) (Having none of it, I really notice that.) Most other essences are not that suited to current fashion wear, Ethereal probably least of all...
Crystal Kaba
7/24/2020 11:48:18 am
Yes, I'm never sure how to work ethereal into my casual outfits. Or even my formal, non summer maxi dress outfits. I would love a post on everyday ethereal.
7/26/2020 04:32:11 am
Me too, plus everyday Romantic and everyday Classic (and any combination of these) ;) All these are quite formal essences, not very suited to everyday. Though I guess in practice what one does is to dress them down with adding some N, whether one has it or not. ;)
7/7/2020 12:21:14 pm
What’s is Julia Garner’s ID?? At first glance I thought she was Ingenue, then EC, then ECG. But I feel she might be able to swing some Natural or Dramatic as well. But when I compare her to Megan Ferguson (who’s nearly a doppelgänger), I can then see how Megan has more Natural than Julia.
7/7/2020 03:30:00 pm
Actually, after comparing her to the EC board, I think I’m going to nix the Ethereal. I’ve landed on DCG for Julia Garner.
8/10/2020 08:35:36 pm
To N. (hopefully this appears below your comment and doesn't get bumped down the page) - I can definitely see DCG for Julia Garner. As for Freema Agyeman, how about RDN? She looks great in an edgy punk look, but a bit of ornate, "mature" feminine detail enhances her as well - what do you think?
8/21/2020 04:42:07 am
Julia Garner has Natural and Ingenue. Possibly some more essence too.
7/15/2020 07:12:06 pm
R.I.P. to half my wardrobe that is Ethereal, whist I am not🙃
7/21/2020 03:39:20 am
V, I'm curious (and puzzled) - how come you decided that you don't have any Ethereal, if the style, as you said, always felt like "you"? As to me, that is an important part of finding your own style identity - a style that fits you and feels like you! I would certainly not be willing to give up something like that, that I felt was a part of me, no matter what others said...
7/21/2020 06:40:22 pm
I know style analysis is significantly more subjective than something like color analysis, but I do think these are pretty core essences to style. Hypothetically there could be more than 7 essences existing, but these 7 definitely exist currently in the style world. Anyways, I should’ve clarified in my longwinded original post (this post is equally as long LOL). In my original post, I meant that I would wear Ethereal in small doses such as ethereal jewelry or a sky blue top. For example, blue generally looks very good on my skintone so I grew up naturally gravitating toward blues & thus I was able to swing Ethereal sky blue very well. (But I never looked good in any other Ethereal colors in my season). For years, even with only my tiny doses of Ethereal, I’ve always had to pay careful attention to the rest of my outfit to pull it off. Which took a lot of time & energy I didn’t want or need to be spending. If I were to wear my sky blue top AND commit to a genuinely Ethereal outfit (with some floaty pants and ethereal hairstyle)... I would feel really uncomfortable & look silly because I don’t actually have Ethereal. Meanwhile, my sister with Ethereal pulls that off flawlessly. When I saw Rachel’s full ethereal and ethereal natural boards, I realized I was dabbling in a completely different style than my own. So, I never necessarily liked Ethereal but rather I knew I needed femininity in my style to look my best. (And the only one I was ever aware of before this system was Ethereal.) So it became a habit & thus it felt like “a part of me” and “my style” whenever I saw it, because that’s all I knew up to this point. Essences that you truly have will be easy to wear... not a struggle, temperamental, or fussy to create a outfit. Once I discovered this system, it tipped me off to the fact that I must be dressing in an essence that I don’t have. Now I know that getting dressed in the morning doesn’t HAVE to be the struggle, un-fun experience that it once was. It taught me that the natural femininity quota I was trying to fulfill with Ethereal or Ingenue was actually Romantic. And it also allows me to better appreciate those who have different essences than me. For some, this style system helps people who already know the 7 essences more clearly define the differences between essence. For others, who aren’t aware of the essences at all, this system helps us understand & differentiate between each of the style essences. I’m in the latter group.. If anything, this system has empowered me to “dabble” into other essences when I want to while still looking my best by wearing my true ID as a homebase. This blog is a perfect example of how knowledge is power!
7/23/2020 04:20:23 am
Ok, I understand a bit better now, V :) But I am myself an R-E-I-C, all 25% (I feel that's my most accurate calculator result, though I've often got just REI too, all 30%), and the thing is, I dont think I could wear just *purely* one essence of these, as each of them is just 25% on its own... It's the combination of all my essences that matters! Though the full Ethereal, which you mentioned, is probably the one I *could* best wear, if those clothes were suited to everyday life, which they are not - but I love & would feel at home in all those medieval & LOTR dresses! :) Yet I don't think E is my main or most important essence, I feel it's R & I, combined. That's despite the all 25% result; I could probably get away with dressing just RI, though it's better if I have also E and C elements included, obviously. I think I can somehow relate to what you said though, as at one time I thought I had D, but then realized I don't (rather, C). And yes, looking at the full D board especially, I could never in amillion years do that ;)
7/26/2020 02:14:49 am
Wondering if anyone knows what essences are in this bracelet? I’d really appreciate any help- I’m new to this!
7/26/2020 04:29:06 am
It looks quite understated and timeless, so Classic would be my first guess :) As to what other essences it might have, possibly Ingenue, as the beads are quite dainty, and Ethereal, due to the s-curves they form. Let's see what others say :)
7/29/2020 04:53:57 pm
Thank you Melina. I definitely don’t have Ingenue, so I will take a closer look at Ethereal & Classic essence combinations. Thanks again. Off to the boards!
7/30/2020 02:55:01 am
You're welcome, glad if I could help! :)
8/10/2020 02:57:09 pm
For anyone who has the time to answer, what might the style ID of actress Jessica Sula be? I think I have an idea as her style is similar to mine, but a second opinion would really help me narrow it down (and help me effectively update my wardrobe too)!
Crystal Kaba
8/10/2020 08:28:56 pm
It may be that she's very young, but I see ingenue first. She looks so lovely surrounded by her natural kinky curls. She's not as lovely with her hair wavy or straightened, so I'd rule out ethereal and dramatic.
8/10/2020 08:22:21 pm
As a Truth is Beauty obsessive (and long-time lurker), my first impression of Jessica Sula is that Romantic Natural Ingenue would be great on her. Or RNG for a more hip look. She definitely has one of the youthful essences. I wonder if Ingenue might be it? She has a sweet and innocent look in some of her photos that's quite beguiling. I love her hairstyles that are more curly and fluffy. So pretty.
8/11/2020 02:48:42 am
I’m glad I’m not the only one! This is why I asked about her, because I initially thought “ingenue!” when I saw her too. Then I put her face next to the Ingenue board & it was a different story. Almost doubted myself about it! The difference was really evident when I compared how great NGI celebs like Alisha Wainwright & Melanie Moore look next to the NI & NGI board. The other 2 celebs were pulling off the Ingenue on those boards, but on Jessica the Ingenue appeared excessively “frilly”. So, I’m thinking she’s NG with another feminine essence- either Romantic, Ethereal, or Classic.
Hailey’s Hailey
8/14/2020 08:39:54 pm
My two cents on Jessica Sula-I compared her face to the NGI, RGI, and RNG boards, and her face next to the RNG board was so aesthetically pleasing. It seemed to really suit her and her blend of feminine and masculine essences without being too boyish or girlish on her. When she wears her hair curly especially it really hypes up her RG side and fits her quite beautifully!
8/15/2020 03:59:57 am
V, not sure what you meant with "R caramel skintone" - that a caramel skintone is Romantic? I wasn't aware that one's skintone, or the specific colour of it, has anything to do with style ID...
12/3/2020 07:37:36 pm
Sorry I just saw your comment Alissa.
12/3/2020 07:59:30 pm
Oh & another good example is Ethereal! Rachel has stated before (also in her “Finding Your Best Colors” series) that gentle, pale, neutral colors combined in a low contrast way is Ethereal.
Hailey’s Hailey
8/14/2020 08:09:57 pm
I’m so obsessed with this website it’s almost absurd lol!
8/14/2020 08:38:15 pm
Is there a discussion forum or facebook group associated with this website where people can discuss this particular typing system and share tips for their types?
8/15/2020 08:07:16 am
Yes, there is a facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1758951011062885/ :)
8/15/2020 10:40:34 pm
Thanks Melina!
8/24/2020 03:34:21 pm
Can someone help me understand why Romantics only look their best in “touchable” fabrics, and moreover, why do other types not suit this? I’m appreciative of this system and finding my personal ID. But everything in my wardrobe is either silk/satin, velvet, or nude blush colored- it feels like those are my only three options.
8/25/2020 04:12:30 am
T.N, what are your other essences? Is Romantic your dominant essence? Silk and velvet read as Romantic because they are sensual fabrics. They are soft and touchable. As a Romantic you can use other fabrics than silk or velvet, as long as they are soft and draped. They should not be stiff. Here are some Romantic tops and pants that don't feel so "old Hollywood glam". They feel more modern.
8/25/2020 07:19:31 pm
Thanks, D. I really appreciate you taking the time to link those images. Those are a bit more updated like I was referring to- I will start to move my wardrobe in that direction! You’re right, as I do more research trying to better understand my Style ID (RG with a smidgen of N), I’m starting to get a better idea for the range of materials to use. I’ve recently found a lot of inspo for more modern, do-able Romantic Gamine style from the celeb Bekah Martinez too.
8/26/2020 02:33:36 am
T.N, you are so right about Rachel's pinterest boards. Here are a RG board and a RNG board that have better examples of outfits:
8/29/2020 10:30:42 pm
To be fair, those tops D. linked, while they do potentially have some romantic, also seem to have a good bit of other essences--natural with the chunky knit and casual cotton fabric, maybe ingenue with the short dainty sleeves and small bow. I have a good bit of romantic but no natural or ingenue, and those tops would not look harmonious on me.
8/26/2020 04:08:21 am
T.N, here is a link to a site whose style system is based on those 7 style essences as well. The clothes on the style boards are wearable and modern and most of them can be bought in actual stores.
9/1/2020 08:44:29 am
I've tried that web address several times, and nothing happens. I think the blog is gone.
9/1/2020 11:57:00 am
Yes, I noticed that. Maybe the website is closed. There hasn't been much activity lately.
8/26/2020 04:16:34 am
D, I have seen those style boards and in my opinion they are much more accurate than Rachel's boards are. For instance, in Rachel's boards I have seen clothes with Dramatic elements in non-dramatic boards and Gamine elements seem to occure in places where they don't belong quite often. This kind of thing can be misguiding, especially for newcomers.
9/2/2020 10:04:06 am
I found a pinterest link to the style boards: https://fi.pinterest.com/aboutstyling
9/10/2020 02:17:51 pm
Hey, is it alright if I can get some help with finding my style identity?
9/12/2020 02:33:31 am
Yes, but it is pointless without a photo.
9/13/2020 12:40:10 pm
Sorry lol. Here’s some photos of me:
9/14/2020 01:19:04 am
Hi Green, I think you have Gamine. And maybe Natural or Dramatic or both. Have you tried the NG board or the DG board?
9/14/2020 01:38:20 am
I think you have a youthful essence, either Gamine or Ingenue. I also think you have Natural and/or Dramatic.
9/14/2020 08:46:02 am
DNI I would guess..
9/16/2020 02:40:55 am
Hey Lisa! Yeah, I agree that DNI is the most complementary for me! It fits my masculine and feminine features just right, so thank you for the suggestion! You have a good eye!
9/14/2020 10:15:03 am
Ah, thank you so much for taking the time to look at my photos, Sarah and Lisa! It really means a lot. It’s so interesting you guys see Gamine, Ingenue, and Dramatic, because those were the essences I thought I had the least of! But when I compare my faces to the boards that involves those essences plus Natural, it really compliments me.
9/14/2020 10:28:27 am
My former username was Hailey’s Hailey, btw
9/14/2020 02:23:35 pm
Glad to help.
9/15/2020 03:37:08 am
Green, I think DNI might be better than DNG for you. What do you think?
9/16/2020 02:29:09 am
Hey Sarah! After going back and forth between DNI and DNG, I agree that DNI is the better option out of the two. Comparing my face to the boards really showed that while I do have a youthful essence along with my D and N, the youthfulness was of the variety that represents Ingenue, not Gamine.
9/16/2020 04:33:50 am
Green, if you need more help, do not be afraid to ask for advice!
10/25/2020 03:26:37 pm
10/31/2020 02:29:13 pm
I think you are most likely CGE, because the percentages are all over 10-15. With the boards you gave three too, I think you should pick clothe with elements of CGE.
11/4/2020 05:46:53 pm
Thank you for you reply Green :) Leave a Reply. |
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