Dark Autumn lies on the border between Autumn and Winter. Autumn is supposed to be a season of muted colors, but Dark Autumn's colors don't read as muted, seen together. The influence of Winter's brightness means that though Dark Autumn's colors are deep, they're more vivid than Soft or True Autumn's.
Depth of color is so important to the Dark Autumn palette that it incorporates some dark shades that may appear neutral-cool to your eye.
As a Dark Autumn, your season may have been particularly hard to determine; the depth of your coloring may make it difficult for an observer to tell whether you're warm or cool. Click here to see more examples of celebrities with Deep Autumn coloring.
COMING SOON - Dark Autumn palette - 40 jumbo color cards
40 enormous color cards for just $40. Carry them in a binder, or keep them in your dressing area. Or cut the big sheets down into smaller sets: one for your bag, one for your dressing area. No other swatch set is this affordable or this big! No other palette offers you the chance to customize it to your own purpose.
Each cardstock sheet is at least 4 x 8 inches.
** Unfortunately, shipping outside of the U.S. and Canada is currently not available.**
Your Colors
Your reds, peaches and pinks
- Your lip and cheek colors are found here.
- Your lip and cheek colors are found here.
Your precious stones and metals