You've analyzed yourself with the Style Identity Calculator, or you've had a professional analysis. And you hate your answers.
You have Natural, but you hate jeans. You have Gamine, but Gamine's funkiness feels clownish. You have Ingenue, but the last thing you want to be is a little girl. You have Romantic, but you hate dressing like a sex object. It's not the case that all of us are instinctively drawn to what looks good on us. Many of us are, but, for some of us, what visually flatters us the most just feels wrong. What do you do? Here are a couple of strategies I recommend: 1. Reconceptualize the Essence For each of your essences, try using a thesaurus to identify keywords you're more comfortable with that you can substitute in for the essence. For example, a synonym for "spunky" (Gamine) could be fearless or energetic; a synonym for "girlish" (Ingenue) could be fresh or pure; and a synonym for "relaxed" (Natural) could be peaceful or authentic. So, if you absolutely hate the idea of Natural-Gamine-Ingenue, you can rename it Fresh, Fearless and Authentic. A small change in the words can make a big change in how you feel about it. 2. Identify Elements You Are Willing to Accept Another way to try to get comfortable with your identity is to identify a few elements from each essence that you are truly willing to do. For Romantic, if you hate cleavage and butt emphasis, maybe you're willing to do blingy jewelry. For Dramatic, if you hate avant-garde looks, maybe you're willing to do monochromatic looks. For Classic, if you hate feeling like a First Lady, maybe you can tolerate pearl earrings and a designer handbag. Just pick one or two elements that you can bring yourself to wear, and try putting them together. You might find a combination that feels like you. 3. Consider That You Might Be Wrong About What's "You" Though style analysis feels for many people like coming home, there's a small but important group of people who get analysis after analysis and still don't feel satisfied. It's the same with personal color analysis. When I encounter those people, I usually see their correct lines and colors among the many options they're tried and rejected. I've come to understand that these seekers are waiting for a particular feeling of relief, or joy, or wholeness, that they believe will indicate a correct answer. When they don't get that feeling, they assume the answer is wrong. In those cases, the feeling they are seeking won't be found in their correct colors and lines. It may be found somewhere else, but exactly where probably depends on the person. If you see yourself in this description, it may be that what's going to fulfill you personally is still out there. If you can come to embrace your style identity, at least you'll look amazing when you finally find it. :-) 4. F*** It Look: Style Identity Analysis is a very specific aesthetic. It's based on the idea when you dress like what you already look like, you'll look your best. But you don't have to do this. If you're an Ethereal Natural but you can't resist funky, spunky Gamine prints, give yourself permission to wear them! The whole point of this endeavor is to make yourself happy. Break your own rules; make yourself happy. If you're like me, you may find that you get it out of your system, and you're able to return to your style identity with a more peaceful heart. (I'm that Ethereal Natural, by the way -- I am so drawn to Gamine elements! And when I give myself permission to include them, I actually get tired of them pretty quickly.)
12/26/2017 02:07:28 pm
Wow, yes, and thank you. I love your style analysis -- what I love even more is the unflinching honesty as to where it hits its limitations.
Sarrah O.
12/26/2017 06:52:42 pm
Thanks for this. I actually love my style identity, but after so many years trying to make natural work I find it a bit intimidating. Given that one of the nicknames of my type is "Intimidating Princess" I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. Although I would love to jump into my style type with both feet, I feel that adding a few elements at a time would be more comfortable for me.
12/29/2017 12:32:11 pm
I wrongly judged my ID as boring at first. I thought ECI was uncool and plain. I let it sink in for a week or two, and then I tried some things on. I liked how it looked on me, but I wanted it to be more out there, have more oomph. Eventually I found that classic was my ticket to "oomph," except my version of "oomph" is precise, refined, expensive, regal, instead of avant garde or dramatic. I leaned into "the ballerina" descriptor of my ID, and now I feel satisfied that I can make that chic and be creative within it. I needed to do some more exploring before I could find how to take it to the next level.
12/30/2017 09:14:12 am
M, how nice that you found such a good solution to your problem! I've never had that problem myself. (I am a Classic). I have never understood why people find the classic style boring. Words like dashing, sophisticated and expensive don't sound boring to me.
12/31/2017 12:26:15 pm
Katja, great break down. Classic is a "less is more" essence. I've always loved style eccentrics (Isabella Blow, Catherine Baba), who are, in contrast, the queens of doing too much! Anything looks boring next to Isabella Blow; she wore a lobster on her face. But Catherine Deneuve isn't boring. Grace Kelly isn't boring. Any of the IDs can reach that level of high fashion.
1/2/2018 03:40:03 am
Catherine Deneuve and Grace Kelly are stunning.
1/2/2018 02:46:25 am
Women like Isabella Blow and Catherine Baba look ridiculous. They do get attention, but not in a good way. A tasteless outfit will draw attention to the clothes not to the person wearing it. A good composed outfit is stylish and brings out the beauty of the wearer. That in itself is "oomph".
1/2/2018 08:17:02 am
No one worth being is for everyone, Mona. :)
1/2/2018 11:20:20 am
I think there *are* women who can pull off these extreme, avant-garde looks, but Baba and Blow are not those women. Baba, I believe, needs more dignity and delicacy, while Blow seems to need a lot less detail. OTOH, women should wear what makes them happy, and if visual harmony doesn't make them happy, they shouldn't bother with it. :-)
4/29/2018 04:01:37 pm
I'm so glad you wrote this. When I realized my face had Natural in it I almost wanted to cry. But I'm grateful for the reminder at the end I don't have to wear clothes I hate, no matter how fashionable.
6/10/2018 12:41:34 am
If a Style ID is someone's unique visual 'truth,' I don't see how you could hate the truth. Since when have falsehoods or lies ever made for a happy or well-lived life?
8/2/2018 12:02:56 pm
There's a difference between hatred and denial. Think of it like this: if I worked hard for three years, giving 110%, only for somebody less dedicated to get a big promotion, I might hate that. It would be the truth, a reality that I would have to accept. But would I have to like it? No!
8/2/2018 02:14:31 pm
I never said we have to like certain aesthetics or 'looks' if they aren't our preference.
8/15/2018 05:11:51 pm
I forgot to mention that while it's definitely important to acknowledge the truth about one's looks, but there's also a chance that even if somebody wears the clothes that harmonize with the face/physicality, it might not present a visual they actually find attractive.
9/19/2019 02:40:15 am
Are there any other gamines or ingenues out there who are just tired of being described as little girl like and cute when all you want to be seen as is the mature woman that you are? I would love to be a romantic as it is more in harmony with who I am as a person. Maybe it’s society’s beauty standards speaking but I would love to be called sexy or seductive, not childlike or cute. It is really frustrating. And I really don’t identify with the style recommendations for gamine. I was typed as a Kibbe soft gamine which is essentially a gamine with romantic but I’d rather be a theatrical romantic who look more womanly and can easily pull off soft gamine looks as well. I am just not able to accept my image identity can anyone please help me?
6/9/2020 01:02:06 pm
I find it helpful to remember that style ID/types/essences/etc aren't connected to personality. You look cute and youthful, therefore you're flattered by clothes that look cute and youthful, but your personality could be literally anything, and isn't it great when you express your truest inner self (whatever that might be, please fill in your own blanks here) while appearing harmonious?
9/16/2021 04:23:11 pm
I've been going on a journey with this Style ID thing, and after experimenting for a couple days with the ID Calculator, seem to have come full circle back to my instinctive self-diagnosis when I first read each of the 'pure' ID descriptors upon finding this site:
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