Actually, that's not how it works! Don't pay too much attention to systems that try to tell you otherwise.
Your hair color doesn't make a darn bit of difference in determining your season. A person with red hair might be found in any season, depending on her skin tone. Here's a redheaded Light Spring: A redheaded True Spring: A redheaded True Autumn: And I personally know a redheaded True Summer. Redheads tend to have warm-toned skin, which puts them into Spring and Autumn categories. But it's theoretically possible that a person with genetically red hair could have Winter or Summer skin. Unsure of your season? Try at-home draping cards.
Laurel Harrington
7/24/2017 11:36:53 am
I could not agree more. I have 2 redheaded daughters. One is light summer and one is soft summer. the soft summer was previously draped twice as true autumn but I draped her myself as soft summer. It's a mistake to automatically assume redheads must be warm seasons.
7/24/2017 10:41:12 pm
Interesting. I've long self-diagnosed as a True Autumn, but my summer wardrobe contains some colors that are closer to a True Spring's palette and I've been getting lots of compliments on them. I've been meaning to do some comparisons in good lighting and try some of the dealbreaker colors to see if I've been off for all these years. I can see how the common warm theme might make their colors close enough to flattering to mistake them for the ideal ones.
7/25/2017 07:11:19 am
Eselle28, I'm also a self-diagnosed as a True Autumn, and yet have some colours in (especially) my summer wardrobe that I know are closer to True Spring's ;) (Somehow summer allows more brightness, and it's not easy to find e.g. oranges that are muted enough, they all tend to be Spring-y!) But in general, it's fairly easy to tell the difference, once you've trained your eye to it: Autumn is muted, Spring is bright, so one or the other will seem great and the other one somehow "off", when held close to one's face. HTH! :)
7/29/2017 01:29:55 pm
Compliments can guide us in the right direction, but sometimes "I like that" is just a person's polite way of saying, "I notice that." I think Christine Scaman was the first person I heard point this out.
8/2/2017 04:20:07 am
Yes, she has a good article on that - .
7/25/2017 09:35:43 am
This is fantastic! Just look at yourself as a whole, look at the colors you wear, ask others to look at you, instead of going by those Pinterest posts that state "pinky beige skin, green eyes, dark brown hair = this season!". Yes, there are many, many people who look like the stereotype of their season, but there are some things you can miss if you only look at your eyes or your hair or w/e.
7/25/2017 10:31:57 am
Even better than looking at yourself as a whole & asking others to look at you is to test what various colours do to your face & skin :) That's the only way to know, actually, and it's known as draping, though obviously most accurate if done by a professional, but DIY draping can in many cases very well lead to correct season (or very close), too :)
7/31/2017 07:20:10 pm
Lindsay Lohan is a true autumn? She doesn't seem like it to me. I always thought spring colors flattered her more.
8/3/2017 06:11:48 am
To me she certainly seems an Autumn... Could you maybe link to a photo where she looks better in Spring colors?
I realize I am very late to this conversation, but here's what I'm finding confusing: some seasons are not flattered by orange. I am a Soft Summer, and was told not to wear any orange by my face. I believe that all types of winters and summers are in the same boat. So if you have naturally red (really orange) hair, how can that be? TIA...
7/17/2024 06:14:40 pm
Really late response 🤣 I think this happens because hair is so multidimensional. The color we perceived it to be, isn't necessarily the color it is, and there is definitely no equivalent when it comes to fabric. It's part of what makes human coloring so intriguing and captivating. My daughter is a redheaded Bright Winter (red that looks like a brand new copper penny), we'll see if her season shifts at all as she gets older. My son has a slightly deeper red and is a Bright Spring. Then there's my husband who had completely orange hair as a child and teen, more muted as an adult, and is a True Autumn. My hair would be considered strawberry blonde, and my best fit in 12 seasons is True Winter. In 16 seasons Cool Summer leaning Cool Winter works a little better. I had been thought to be a Spring or Autumn most of my life, but always got cool, icy colors at the makeup counter which look great on me. This is why I'm a proponent of draping.
4/18/2022 04:07:33 pm
I don't know if I will ever figure out my season. I have *very* fair cool skin. Blue veins, prone to flushing pink, never tans. My eyes are black. My hair is a light copper colour. It's definitely warm but you can't really call it a true red because it changes colour depending on the light. Sometimes it looks brown, sometimes ginger. In sunlight it has natural golden highlights. I've found the easiest solution is a cool brown dye but it's a shame because I actually like my natural colour by itself, it just doesn't seem to fit. Any suggestions welcome lol
5/1/2022 01:11:13 pm
To “Send help”: I’d guess u were a spring, or maybe autumn. Try wearing the appropriate colours and see how u feel in them. Also, have someone take pics of u in them, and in different lighting. (If u don’t have clothes in the right colours, try some on in a store, and have friend take pics there. Or shop thrift stores til u get it “right”!) if u don’t feel right in the colours, wear what makes u happy!!
3/2/2023 07:29:59 am
I have a similar predicament but have stopped dying my hair. I have fair skin for my ethnicity, freckles in different hues, copper/auburn/brown hair that changes color depending on the light, and I used to dye my hair black as a teen and in my early 20s. Now I know I am a winter and this is why I gravitated towards black hair dye. But I have my natural hair color now and the colors still look great on me, because they make my skin look healthy. I got used to seeing my warmer hair color next to the cool colors that flatter my skin.
1/25/2025 06:07:00 pm
Hi such a late response but i have trouble too. i have green/brown speckled eyes, strawberry blonde hair more on the red side, very pale porcelain skin which does not freckle or tan and has a clear appearance/ blue neutral undertone. i also flush a lot as well. I have taken SO many tests which do not help BUT this one called vivaldi color lab which you can put your picture in and use to pick colors that suit your coloring. I finally have found that I am a bright winter. I think you might be as well.
Aine O'Beirne
7/11/2022 04:28:32 pm
I feel I'm in the same boat. I've light red hair between strawberry blonde and ginger/copper, cool to neutral undertone (true porcelain according to my sister) but its not very pale just light, no freckles at all and green eyes with brownish flecks and a bluey navy outer ring. I've been professionally draped as a true autumn but nearly all yellows (bar a bright ochre) look absolutely awful on me. Oranges overwhelm me unless it's a very reddish rust and dark greens, browns and navy (unless there's a purple undertone to it) are just bleurgh on me. There's no pop, I just look like a tired winter garden! lol. On the other hand I've done quizzes and came out a true spring but aquas and limes just don't really do anything for me same as light citrus yellows again. Orange based lipsticks are awful and I mean absolutely horrendous on me. I can get away with some coral based ones as long as there's more pink than orange in it. I normally wear a pinky-brown with more emphasis on the pink side. What does look very good on me is soft light pinks, dark muted pinks, rosewood, bright Kelly or emerald greens, royal blues, muted cornflower or soft blues, indigo, black (I was told black is an absolute no no for me) and perversely white in the summer unless its a very bright blue-white. I'm at a loss to be honest. I've had so many different opinions but no clear answers and I'm reluctant to get my colours professionally done again because I think people see red hair and automatically assume autumn
8/7/2023 11:06:34 pm
Sounds like you’re a Summer 🤷🏼♀️. Cool tones can’t do orange well. I was draped as an Autumn first, until they put rust colored lipstick on me. She took it straight off and tested again. It turns out I’m a Summer. I do have red flecks in my naturally dirty blonde hair. I was a cool auburn and loved it for a while.
Aine O'Beirne
8/8/2023 06:21:23 am
I was definitely curious about that. I think I'm definitely in the soft side of the season and can seem to float between soft summer (even though again it was said no true redhead can be a summer or winter) and soft autumn. I can wear some very saturated colours as long as they're I don't know how to describe it - like tertiary colours is probably the closest I can say, in art they would be the colour with gray added to it, such as teals, kingfisher blues, deep corals and deep pinky/browns. Pinks seem to be my colours - pale shell pinks, soft dusky pinks, pinky browns, pinky oranges, coral and I have one very saturated pink Tshirt that I get compliments on all the time but again thinking of it it probably has a gray added to it. According to all the colour seasons I shouldn't be able to wear them period yet I can.
1/6/2023 11:25:40 pm
Aine O'Beirne> My mother had red in hair and was very fair skinned with freckles, green eyes and blue toned skin. When she had her colours done professionally they said she was a winter!! Any wonder you are confused. You sound like you already know what your colours are.
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