(Doesn't that sound romantic?) From talking and listening to Winter women, particularly on the 12 Blueprints Facebook page, I've learned that deep, vivid Winter colors can take some getting used to. It can be difficult for a newly identified Winter to see past the intensity of the color in a swatchbook and imagine how normal it will look on a Winter face. Even seeing the color on the lip, it can be hard for a Winter woman to take in how the color is balancing the rest of the face. Let's start with True (Cool) Winters. ![]() The beauty industry has trained us to believe that a natural lip will necessarily be a medium peachy-beige color. Hence all the tubes of this shade that are called Nude Something. A True Winter might believe such a color is the only hue that can create a natural look. Nude = natural, right? ![]() Not in your case, True Winters. On a woman who needs both coolness and depth, this color looks anything but natural. What will read as natural on you is a color you might not expect: ![]() You know those cool, fairly bright, medium pinks in your swatchbook? The ones that look like Barbie cars? They look absolutely normal on a True Winter face. Match the swatch; don't be afraid. In the tube it may seem very, very pink, but on your lip it will be natural. ![]() Doesn't this look loads more normal? True Winter, when you see a shade that's supposedly "nude" or "flesh-toned," stay away from it. That's not your natural look. (Probably it's True (Warm) Autumn's. Seems like all their best lippies are called Creamy Nude, Rosy Nude, Nude in the Afternoon, Nude at Breakfast, etc. A very sexy season, apparently.) ______________________________________________ Now, Dark (Deep) Winter... you are a Winter of another sort altogether. A light lip won't cut it for you. ![]() Consider this particular light, cool pink. It might look natural on a Light Summer: But on you, this lip is utterly unnatural: With a lip like this, you may feel like you're playing it safe, but the opposite is true. You're standing out... for all the wrong reasons. You'll look healthier, happier and more normal in a deep, dark shade that the other seasons are afraid of. Like this one. Don't fear the color! It's absolutely right for you. See? ![]() Notice the balance. This lip is miles more natural and less made-up than the one above. Readjust your eye and your mind to understand that this deep wine is a safe color for you. Puny, pale pink is not. Consider this more dramatic Dark Winter look. It's still beautifully balanced, not overwhelming. ![]() In a swatch, this color may be scary. But you don't need to fear it, Dark Winter. No matter what you think you see when you look in the mirror, it absolutely does not look like this on you: Don't get freaked out by the word "dark." Your colors are only dark compared to the other seasons'. On you, they're perfectly balanced. ______________________________________________ Question: Who could possibly look balanced in a hot pink lip? Well, not True (Warm) Spring, that's for sure. ![]() ![]() And not True Autumn. Give up? Bright Winter, that's who! :-) All right, you probably guessed that one. I just get silly when I look at Bright Winters. I heart them. They make me believe in magic. Sort of like unicorns. Bright Winter, if this post is for anyone, it's for you. Own your colors. They're perfect on you. Don't listen to the voice in your head that says they look crazy. They don't. You know what looks crazy on you, Bright Winter? This: ![]() No! Don't do it! Don't even think about leaving the house in this wishy-washy lip, telling yourself that since it's called Nude Something it will let you fade into the background. If anything, it draws attention to you - negative attention - because it looks so totally wrong. Here is Sophie Ellis-Bextor yet again, alongside Alek Wek. Both of them look miraculously natural in the same "crazy" Bright Winter lip color. This season makes me feel playful, so I edged the graphic with other fantastic BW lip options. All of them will look awesome and absolutely right on you, Bright Winter. (BTW, aren't these two models a great example of how two people with very different coloring can have the same undertone - i.e., season - and how the same palette can work beautifully for both? Google them and you'll see: their best colors are the same. Wild.) Bright Winter, embrace the gift that is your magical palette. The magic lies in the fact that the outrageous colors make you look more normal than wishy-washy colors ever could. Leave the wishy-washy colors to Soft Autumn, who's glorious in them. ![]() (Not sure which Winter you are? Try draping yourself affordably at home.)
3/12/2011 11:07:24 pm
Have to say that I just knew your website & blog recently & I got hooked on immediately.
3/13/2011 12:58:44 am
Thanks, Fiona. :-)
3/13/2011 10:50:30 am
Very informative and entertaining! Love your writing style.
3/13/2011 02:02:30 pm
As a winter I found this so life affirming. Thank you!
3/14/2011 01:37:39 am
Do you think this applies to people's real lips as well?
3/14/2011 03:16:44 am
Hanna -are you asking whether I think the particular colors of the season are naturally present in one's lips?
3/14/2011 04:03:53 am
Actually, my question was far simpler than that, I was just curious if (for instance) winters have naturally darker and/or more saturated lips, springs perhaps lighter and peachier, etc.
Anne Sullivan
5/29/2020 07:01:22 am
Yes, Winters do have more pigmented lips.I am a Bright Winter and I have pale, Irish colouring. There are a lot of winters in my country. Courtney Cox and Jennifer Connolly wouldn't even stand out; they'd just look like they were from Galway.
3/14/2011 01:56:16 pm
Hanna - Oh! That question's way easier: Often yes, but not always, because of the infinite variety of human phenotypes. Just as many (but not all) Winters have very dark hair, and many (but not all) Light seasons have very fair skin.
3/17/2011 03:58:45 am
Deep Winters can't wear light lips?
3/7/2012 03:36:35 pm
Hey S-
3/17/2011 05:42:45 am
s- A good question, and one that gets at what I'm trying to communicate in this post.
3/18/2011 12:39:23 pm
To piggyback on Rachel's comment about Kim K's lips...one way that "Deep/Dark" gals, or even medium contrast gals like me achieve that nude-looking effect Kim's rocking is by layering a high-shine/light-and-sparkly lipgloss over a darker lipstick/lipliner combo. To my eye, it looks like that's what Kim is doing here, and it's a trick I've used before...the darker lippie keeps the overall look harmonious with my skin, and the bright glossy finish "nudies" the look up and gives me some glam shine at the same time.
Christine Scaman
3/30/2011 11:21:23 am
3/30/2011 11:22:46 am
So brilliant, logical, and well illustrated. Makes a complicated topic seem simple and obvious, the gift of a great teacher. Great, great job.
10/15/2011 02:46:55 pm
Just out of curiosity, what season would you say Ellen Page is? I am guessing a winter of some sort? I'm no expert, but she looks very dark, contrasty, and a bit clear.
Hmm... I looked through pic of her for a few minutes, and my best guess based on that short look would be a Summer of some kind. She wears a lot of black. All black seems a tad much for her -- but not totally alien, the way it might look on a Soft Autumn. She looks like she can *almost* pull it off, but it's just a hair too dark.
2/27/2012 04:07:25 pm
I'm with Christine on this - I'm a Dark Winter and I love this article!
2/27/2012 08:10:46 pm
May I ask what classifies Christina as a cool winter, especially in regard to her eye color? I'm definitely not disagreeing with you! It's just that I've read the Catherine Zeta-Jones is a cool winter because of the absence of warmth in her eyes, but Christina has light/golden brown, hazel eyes, like myself, which I thought equates to warmth (as opposed to cool gray/blue eyes). I always thought that I was mostly a deep winter (I have very dark brown hair and am definitely cool) because I rarely found anything about brown/hazel eyes in general under another winter category, but my eyes definitely aren't near as dark/rich as various deep winter celebrities'.
1/1/2016 03:40:51 pm
I Wonder the same ting as Mila
6/21/2012 05:54:44 am
Thank you for this blog. I am a deep winter and I really want a lipstick like Penelope's. Do you know any?
1/1/2016 03:39:00 pm
2/27/2016 01:47:14 am
I love this! I am naturally strawberry ash-blonde, but I have icy blue eyes and a cool/pinkish skin tone. (Funny because my mom has hazel eyes and warm skin tone with naturally ash hair but dyes it red and it looks natural) I identify a little more with bright spring with my natural hair, but it is dyed black and looks natural- bright winter colors look amazing on me. After years of looking just ok wearing colors like warm cream and brown, thinking I was an autumn; I am so happy to have found my home between the two bright seasons!
7/20/2016 10:18:17 am
I just recently discovered your website and this amazing article. I would be so much grateful for nude / natural color for true summer. Would be a life changer, i cant seem to find that perfect lip colour and I am strong enthusiast of harmonious natural look :( please help?!
thanks to this article, I came to know what had to memelih lipstick when winter came, I had been confused with it because my lips appear pale in the winter. I also want to share about so lips more attractive women. visit this link here www.bodyclinic.nl/behandelingen/rimpelbehandelingen/vollere-lippen/ treatments allow your lips appear more beautiful. thanks
6/2/2017 11:13:32 am
I'm a dark winter. I was shopping for lipstick the other day and i picked out what i thought was a dark enough color, knowing that dark winters can take a lot of darkness. It wasn't the darkest, but medium-dark. I came home and tried it out and although the hue is good, it's like a nude on me! You can barely tell it's there. (It was Burt's Bees Lily Lake) So i can totally relate to this article. :)
10/12/2017 05:09:15 am
Love the article, thank you for taking the time to clarify this all for me :D
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This is an interesting article. Women are very interested in fashion and fashion, during the winter they also want to look with different styles. I also have my cool season style, the lip color is not pale and everything else. I like this article because it gives me ideas for several styles that I can follow. Thank you for the article. Amstelzijdekliniek.nl
4/23/2020 04:21:29 pm
I know this is an old article, but thank you so much for writing it. I'm a bright winter, and I've honestly been terrified of my palette and struggling to accept my colors, especially since I love the earthy look of a Misha Barton, for example. Reading this actually made me feel a little special for being a bright winter, and find some comfort in seeing my colors on the beautiful Sophie Ellis-Bextor look so natural.
1/3/2021 03:53:56 am
You're a genius! I'm a deep winter who thought was a deep autumn for almost an year (I was lost and confused, most colors didn't work at all), until I found your blog. I feel so myself now. Thank you so much <3
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