Let me back up a bit before I proceed: I believe every one of us is beautiful in exactly one of the 12 palettes of color identified by Kathryn Kalisz. I mostly believe this because I haven't yet failed to match a real-life person to a palette. So, two big assumptions underlie this whole site: there is one right answer, and the right answer is knowable. I also believe that experienced people with great eyes for color can pick the wrong answer sometimes. The analyst can get it wrong. Things that might cause an analyst to make a mistake: - Poor lighting. - Sunburn. - Dyed hair that isn't covered. - Makeup. - Spray tans. - Other colors in the room. And also: - The analyst's biases and assumptions. - Your wishes and expectations., which the analyst senses. So you've been analyzed, and perhaps now you're thinking the analyst got it wrong. Reasons you might be thinking your season was diagnosed incorrectly: 1. It actually was diagnosed incorrectly. That's the obvious reason, and it may be correct. But also: 2. It's not the season you were hoping for. 3. You dislike closure. And also: 4. The initial high from the analysis has worn off, and you think the absence of that feeling means your season is wrong. 5. You thought that when you found your correct season you'd finally feel right. You still don't feel right, so you assume your season must be wrong. This last point, this is what I really want to write about. This is what I think often happens but is never discussed. Perhaps this is your situation: Something feels wrong. Something's missing. You've felt that way for a long time. And you've decided that when you know your correct season, you won't feel that way anymore. Now you've been analyzed and told a season. But you still feel wrong. I want to suggest to you, as gently as I can, this: Even if you're feeling this way, your analyst may be right about your coloring. It may be that the feeling of wrongness is something that knowing your season can't erase. Not to say that the analyst is always right. That's just impossible. Sometimes the analyst is wrong. That bears repeating. What I'm saying instead is, don't assume that knowing your correct season will finally give you inner peace. It may not. (If only it did!) And the lack of a feeling of peace is not conclusive evidence that the analyst got it wrong. Sometimes, "trust your gut" is a great rule to follow. And sometimes it's not.
11/8/2015 01:02:49 pm
HI, yes I feel you are probably right! I have been "done" as a deep autumn twice and always felt I preferred the deep winter colours. I have struggled at times to fit into them, also I am a very light skinned, ivory shade and not all the dark tans and oranges (I look ghastly in any orange) suits me. But if I am honest, I need a little brown in the mix of colours, even what I feel are more wintery wine shades and definely a touch of brown in lipsticks (although never as brown as a terracotta. Anyway too icy, too grey or silver jewellery and I look ghastly and washed out. So - maybe deep autumn after all, just not the extreme end of it? I think this is possibly more often the case than thought with most seasons?
1/1/2016 12:16:47 am
My experience is...well, pretty embarrassing. I have not been analyzed in person (I know, bad...but I have crippling social anxiety). When I first got into pca, I could have sworn I was a soft autumn... I thought I had the right hair and eyes and the colors looked fine against my skin. Only problem was I always preferred the lighter colors and earthy makeup felt aging on me.
Melody ambler
2/23/2016 06:09:34 pm
Please subscribe me; thank you! Melody
Deborah Edwards
9/21/2022 02:46:11 am
I had an analysis years ago. I had self analysed, correctly I believe, as a soft summer. The analyst seemed not to like this DIY at all and on account of my hazel eyes with an outer ring of topaz, and my darkish ash brown hair, analysed me as a deep Autumn. My then boyfriend's fist comment was "eww I don't like that (deep, russety red) lipstick".
2/15/2023 01:14:48 pm
I am really confused. I got my color analysis done professionally a week ago and the first time I went out dressed in my new palette (make up and all), the only comments I received were "are you ok?" and "are you ok, you look pale". Now... I'm no expert, but if my colors are supposed to make me look better, I shouldn't be receiving such comments, right?
Thank you for this insightful post. It's important to recognize that even skilled analysts can make mistakes due to factors like poor lighting or personal biases. I appreciate your point about the emotional expectations tied to finding our "season." It's true that knowing our season might not resolve deeper feelings of discomfort. Your reminder that color analysis is helpful but not a cure-all is both compassionate and realistic. Thanks for sharing this perspective!
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