While searching the interwebs for other stuff in the last few days, I stumbled across photos of a beautiful woman I hadn't heard of before. She's a model named Selita Ebanks. Her season stumped me. So I started looking through pics of her, trying to solve the mystery. As I look at pics of her, or any celeb, I'm thinking "No... no... yes... no..." and trying to figure out what the yeses have in common. No. The black seems blah, not balancing. It's not bringing her to life. And that lippy is too dark. It's jumping out of the pic at me. Would a Winter look this obviously wrong in these colors? Tentative no to Winter. No. This whole summery getup is too cool. The eye shadow is just sitting on her eyes. OK, I'm thinking she's not a Summer. No to this lip - too dark and muddy. She's perhaps not an Autumn. No and yes. I love the peach colors on her face. But, again, the all-black seems blah on her. It's connecting to her eyes, but I feel that she could be much more special than this. Hmm, that sounds like something I've said about the Brights. Could she be a Bright Spring? Can she do Bright Spring's melons and peaches? Here, I think certainly yes. Mentally erase the too-cool earring and I believe we have glorious harmony. How about Bright Spring's lime greens? I think she's gorgeous in these colors. (Minus the necklace.) So I say yes. What about Bright Spring's bright pinks? I think this pink is fantastic for her skin. The contrast of the black background adds to the effect. How about Bright Spring's beautiful aqua? I find this a very telling photo because the makeup here is comparably minimal, yet I don't see the bright color overwhelming her. (I'm mentally erasing the very light pink lip.)
I'm pretty convinced. I'm calling model Selita Ebanks a Bright Spring. :-)
2/23/2013 02:10:32 pm
I like that you chose Selita Ebanks. I am not a fan of hers but love that you analyze so many different types of beauty. I also know as a women of color analyzing can be difficult. I am still actively working on my own. Thanks. I think this might help me.
Rachel Jones
11/8/2016 03:08:44 pm
Thank you for showing an example of a dark haired, dark eyed woman of color as a bright spring. I didn't know it was possible. I have been forcing myself into Dark Autumn for so long. But I look amazing in the bright and light colors of the spring palette. It's so nice to realize my instincts might not be wrong!
Jane Jones
5/10/2017 12:05:08 pm
She isn't even a blended season, she is a True Winter. Google "Selita Ebanks amFar Gala 2016" and "Selita Banks 2015 KWL Sports and Entertainment Event" and you'll see it. Also, her Instagram.
Jane Jones
5/10/2017 12:19:58 pm
I say this as a TW who once thought herself to also be a Bright Spring, base on silly arguments like facial structures, eye patterns and false "golden" overtone. We both look really alike, but put us in bright warm colors and unfortunate things happen:
Jane Jones
5/10/2017 12:48:36 pm
Disastrous Bright attempts:
2/27/2018 11:09:35 am
I'm not sure about that. She looks quite sickly in the white and you can see her blemishes which I didn't know she had until that picture. I thought the right colors were supposed to make your skin look smooth and healthy. Leave a Reply. |
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