Mr. S. wants to know what season he is. Can you help? So, I ask two questions right away:
1 - What seasons do or don't include this color? 2 - Does this color work for him? The first question is almost impossile to answer precisely from pics, but rather easy to answer roughly. The second question is pretty easy to answer from any kind of pic if the answer is no. Your best colors look good on you all the time, KWIM? If a color doesn't look right on you in a pic, it 's (very probably) not your color. So back to Mr. S. In response to the first question, I'm thinking there are a few possibilities. This could be one of the Winter icy pinks. That's what my money's on. It's very light. Because it's a photo it's hard to know which Winter for sure. Or it could be one of the Summers' light pinks. Possibly a Soft Autumn, Bright Spring or Light Spring pink as an outside possibility, if the picture's color is very inaccurate. True Spring, True Autumn and Dark Autumn don't have any pinks that come close to this. Now, does this pink work for him? To my eye, this pink looks cooler than he is. When I say that, I mean that his skin seems to have more orangey-yellowy colors in it than the shirt does. Or I could also say that the pink seems to have a more blueish-violety tone than Mr. S. does. You can see the purple in the shirt, can't you? On a light-skinned person of the right season, I'd expect a pink this light to pick up touches of healthy pale pink in the skin. But I don't see the lightest, brightest parts of Mr. S.'s skin harmonizing with this pink. Imagine this pink on his cheeks. It doesn't fit, does it? Those cheeks are calling for a somewhat more coral-y (which is to say warmer) pink. (I know men don't [usually] wear blush. But on a very pale-skinned man, the right pink will pick up the natural, healthy blush of the face.) This pink also seems more bright than Mr. S. is. This perception is hard for me to explain. It's as if the shirt was created by adding a few drops of some reddish violet to pure white paint, while Mr. S.'s skin seems to have been painted from a more blended, neutral palette. I know that sounds really vague. How about this: doesn't the shirt seem to be jumping out at you, relative to the face? I think Mr. S. is warmish and not terribly saturated. The hair and eyes suggest that he could possibly balance darker colors, so maybe True Autumn or Soft Autumn? OTOH, that skin is awfully light and has a certain luminous quality that could implicate Light Spring. What do you see? He really wants your feedback.
7/11/2012 06:23:22 pm
My first thought on the title question was "Definitely not whichever season has that color." I'm a SSu leaning towards TSu and I'm pretty sure that's my pink, if the photo is accurate.
7/11/2012 06:25:01 pm
I think you might be right. His skin looks light but warm - and the shirt looks light but cooler than his skin... :)
7/12/2012 12:52:17 am
I agree that he may be warmer than this pink shirt, but I don't see a True warm season at all -- I see much more of a neutral season. I think the color is a bit too washed out for him and that he can use a bit more chroma. SA may be a possibility, but I would expect to see a bit more of a golden cast on an SA man's skin. This man seems to have a bit more clarity. I do think LSp would be a good place to start (men are always a bit darker than their women counterparts). My follow-up guesses would be LSu, then SA.
Tom-Sebastian Schulte
7/12/2012 12:43:35 am
Hello, on photobucket I have lots of pictures of me.
7/12/2012 01:43:10 am
What I see...
7/12/2012 01:44:20 am
Hi there! I've been working on this all morning, and I have extracted various colours out of his skin, eyes, hair, etc... and compared them against all of the 12 palettes. I know this is unreliable due to lighting, colour distortion etc... however, what I found was that he suited/looked most handsome in the darkest warmest colours of all, so the Dark Autumn palette. Just about every colour from that palette worked. The Springs were too bright and sunshiny, didn't enhance his beautiful features, which just came out breathtakingly in the darkest Autumn colours. No high contrast between the colours, but definitely good in all over blocks of dark (definitely not dark and cool though, the winter darks were way too cool). The lighter colours in general appeared weak on him, like washed out. The dark colours were OMG handsome! What do you reckon? Could I be on to something, or am I way off the mark here? I tried to apply the philosophy outlined in an earlier post on this blog of not making presumptions based on what I think I see, but really just by looking at the actual colours and how the skin/eyes/hair reacted to them in general.
Tom-Sebastian Schulte
7/12/2012 02:11:28 am
Everyone told me that I am a blended guy, this means that I have a cool undertone, but some warm aspects in my skin.
7/12/2012 03:54:59 am
I am far from an expert but I would definitely try Dark Autumn, that first picture in the navy striped shirt was very nice. The eyes immediately jump out at the viewer and hold the attention. The picture in what appears to be black is jarring, and the hair also looks too dark so it may just be a bad picture. There is no comparison between the darker blue clothing and the light clothing; the feeling & personality changes to a different person. Light clothing looks out of place and serious; the blues are playful and much more attractive.
Carolie Mae
7/12/2012 04:21:35 am
Looking at "Mr. S"'s photos reminds me of looking at my own photos before I knew I shouldn't wear light, cool colors. That pink isn't so great. I want to come right out and say that Warm Spring seems to be the way to go, but it could be SA or Warm Autumn instead. The photo in the photobucket album where Mr. S is tan and has the blue shirt on says Warm Spring to me. Lip color, too. It also seems that we have very similar eye color. Although Spring is supposedly a light season, pale or icy colors look crazy on me and are still on the "don't wear" list. I'm seeing that same effect with this guy. I think Warm Autumn may be a bit overwhelming and heavy feeling, especially the velvety tans and browns, next to his relatively light face. Maybe SA, but I'm liking Warm Spring for him at this point.
7/12/2012 04:55:06 am
Don't love the black or white. Don't see a connection to your face.
7/12/2012 06:37:09 am
I agree about black- to me that kind of rules out deeps and winters. The pink is an obvious no, so that rules out most summers to me (I think most summers would look at least "better" in it. ) I don't like lighter colors so I'm opposed to light-spring. I have a hard time not seeing a bright spring pink killing you. I lean a little more towards neutral- but I don't rule out true-warm. In fact, I kind of think super soft would be bad. I'm guessing True Spring or soft autumn. Not ruling out true Autumn. If those were wrong I'd probably have to re-consider summers, but you don't strike me as even neutral-cool.
7/13/2012 06:58:38 am
His coloring is exactly like my dads, SA.
7/13/2012 09:26:56 am
He's a Light Spring. He needs to wear his sunscreen. :-)
Tom-Sebastian Schulte
7/14/2012 01:04:56 am
Hello everybody, thank you for all your interest.
7/14/2012 02:27:33 pm
I don't think there is a problem with the pink shirt per se.
7/17/2012 07:57:08 am
Tom-Sebastian, I think you're a Dark Autumn.
7/28/2012 10:05:06 am
I am a french woman, so excuse me for my english ! I think you are a Deep Autumn !! I often practice "drapping" with pictures, sometimes it's a little difficult, but with your pictures it's easy : I saw you are a deep autumn... ^^ even if you don't seem dark, it's the best for your skin... (just my opinion!)
8/2/2012 11:45:17 pm
I think he´s a Soft Summer.
8/10/2012 11:34:06 pm
my first guess is autumn, second spring. He has some warmth, but I cannot see, if brighter or more muted tones are better. I would bet on an autumn. Impossible to tell which. But if its spring, I would not be astonished. for summer/winter hes to warm,as far as I can see.
6/16/2015 01:53:04 am
Does he have more pictures?
6/15/2016 04:33:53 am
His skin is warm with interesting cool areas so either spring or autumn. I agree with the question: how is pumpkin orange? Not that you will ever wear it, but does it make you glow and do your eyes capture all the attention? If yes: Autumn, (orange can work for a spring but he is not a light head to toe person, as others have said he would be too washed out). Then try pulling actual hair and eye colors and dress in these head to toe to determine how much contrast is needed and lastly add a touch of his red in his lips in a tie. I also see medium texture working, another autumn trait. Muted but rich autumn colors, a bit of contrast is good between medium and dark, no light colors: dark autumn is my guess.A muted yet saturated dark brown with a purple tinge might be an interesting way to integrate his cool skin, what shall we call them? ... reflections! Or aura! Yes I like that.
8/16/2016 09:06:25 pm
My instinct is Light Spring. I agree that we can eliminate a few seasons immediately: the purely cool True Summer and True Winter, and both Bright Spring and Bright Winter. His coloring looks delicate enough that I can imagine that black would be too much for him, so I don't think Dark Autumn or Winter would be it. I'm not sold that he is a warm season, but I agree that he is warmer than the shirt. I don't see the Autumn golden tones in his skins--I see the Springy coral color to his cheeks. I think his TMIT is probably lightness and not softness. But of course, draping is the only way to know for sure! Too bad we don't have more test colors to see!
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