Using your color cards helped me to determine my proper season, and it's one that NO ONE has ever chosen for me over the past 30 years when I have been draped in person. I have always been draped as either True or Soft Summer, but I never felt "right" in those subdued and dusty colors. I knew something was wrong, but I could never quite determine what it was-----so I dutifully wore my dusty roses and blues and soldiered on. With your color cards, I have been able to see that I am actually a Dark Winter, albeit an unusual one, with medium ash-brown hair, fair skin, and gray-green eyes instead of the usual triad of super-dark features. I feel like a whole world of possibilities has opened up for me as I learn my new season, and I wanted to thank you for helping me find my proper palette.
- Glenda H.
- Glenda H.
*NEW* Home Draping Cards
True Spring draping card
True Summer draping card
True Autumn draping card
True Winter draping card
Bright Spring draping card
Bright Winter draping card
Soft Autumn draping card
Soft Summer draping card
Light Spring draping card
Light Summer draping card
Dark Autumn draping card
Dark Winter draping card